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Titel Krijg je nog rente voor een lied? : stadsdichterschap als eer en verdienste sinds de middeleeuwen
Auteur N. Geerdink, L. Ham, J. Oosterman, R. Sleiderink, S. Bax
Tijdschrifttitel In:  Nederlandse letterkunde. 25(2020)1(Apr.99-131)
Trefwoorden sociaal-economische positie, schrijvers, inkomsten, beroepspraktijk, arbeidsmarkt, Nederland, tijdschriftartikelen (vorm), geschiedenis (vorm)

This article presents the first diachronic overview of the economic, social and symbolic profits of ‘city poets’ (‘stadsdichters’) in the Low Countries. From the early fifteenth century onwards, there have been many (more or less) official relationships between city councils and poets. The prominence and the form of these relationships, however, diverged greatly in different periods: whereas official appointments were the standard in the fifteenth, sixteenth and the twenty-first centuries, the period in between saw a much more diverse landscape of informal appointments and relationships. After presenting a historical overview of the role of city poets throughout the centuries, this article focuses on two well-documented periods in which formal agreements were made between town governments and poets: the late Middle Ages and the start of the 21st century.