European music ecosystem : a conceptual framework definition of the European music ecosystem to understand and drive its diversity, creativity and solidarity making it competitive, resilient, and attractive
TitelThe European music ecosystem : a conceptual framework definition of the European music ecosystem to understand and drive its diversity, creativity and solidarity making it competitive, resilient, and attractive
Corporatieve auteur
UitgeverEuropean commission
Jaar van uitgave2025
Annotatie28 p. : graf., tab.
Onderwerpmuziekindustrie, musici, culturele infrastructuur, Europa, toekomstvisies, economie, maatschappelijk belang, artificiële intelligentie, statistieken (vorm), onderzoeksrapporten (vorm)
The European music sector in the 21st century has arrived at a crossroads. The demand for music reached new levels, with economic results in the main business areas of the sector indicating a solid rebound following the corona pandemic. Simultaneously a shifting of social, cultural and technical trends is creating increasing complexity, alongside shifting dynamics and interdependencies within the sector. The perception that the music sector is increasingly characterised by its complexity and interdependencies results in an understanding of the sector less in terms of its traditional linear value chains and more as a music ecosystem. The trend of conceptualising a complex sector as an ecosystem is also seen in other sectors, and forms the basic premise of the EU Industrial strategy. This overview of trends and challenges exemplifies the current state of the European music ecosystem. Next to the trends, there is a reflection on the current challenges, followed by an outline of the potential of the ecosystem for future value creation.